Overwhelmed by the Greatness
So, as you might have noticed, I changed the name of this blog from the moderate epicurean to fresh tart. My goal is to be more serious, more deliberate – simple-yet-not things like organize and provide easily printable recipes, improve the quality of my photos, add video clips, etc. Toward that end, I’ve joined Twitter and have started following and learning about the endless – and I mean endlessssssssss – number of great food blogs and vlogs (video logs) out there, good Lord, it’s completely overwhelming. And fascinating. And very, very impressive.
I’ve all along listed several blogs that I admire and check frequently for inspiration under “For Foodies” to the right. Definitely peruse them, they’re all quite different from each other, which I love, and yet all make me want to print recipes and get cooking (and write better, and take better pictures, and cook more, and be funny and charming…). Here are a few food blogs that I’ve particularly enjoyed finding through Twitter:
The Amateur Gourmet – Adam Roberts writes a hilarious (and well-awarded for being hilarious) food blog from NYC. Although calling it a food blog is selling it a bit short – his comic book illustrations rock, as do his restaurant reviews and videos.
Working Class Foodies – siblings Max & Rebecca Lando host this cool-beans “show” on the Hungry Nation web channel. The videos are short, smart, and completely entertaining, with a focus on cooking cheap, deliciously fresh food.
David Lebovitz – David sarcastically, bitingly blogs from Paris about food and life. If you’re on Twitter, follow him – he’s mastered the art of concise and funny.
The Pioneer Woman – you don’t know energy until you read Ree Drummond’s incredible blog. She cooks, ranches, photographs, gardens, parents, home schools – and writes hilariously about them all. I’m not kidding.
I’ll stop there and save others for a different post. So many food blogs, so little time! Aaaaagh!