May 2008 Archives
Ah, a little sun and warmth again, enough for me to be out on the porch, happy, happy. It just doesn’t want to be spring around here – two steps forward, one step back, I guess. Not complaining! The cool air, warm sun thing going today is fabulous! Our Friday lunch date at Lucia’s was…
Andrew Zimmern wrote a great piece on his Chow & Again blog this week about one of my favorite chefs, Doug Flicker. I don’t actually know him (Stacey used to work for him), but Doug used to run lovely Auriga (now closed, sniff) and the food I had there…it blew me away. His was the…
I don’t know about you, but I’d have a hard time getting through the day without plenty of sips of tea and coffee. It’s not about the caffeine – I have to down the decaf/low-caf version these days. (Old much? Sigh…) It’s really about flavor and interest. What can I say? My ‘buds get bored…
Wellll…I did end up scoring a bratwurst after all! We had dinner at my sister Stacey’s last night, and she grilled up some brats and burgers, so when in Rome… It was fantastic, by the way, crusty and spicy, summer in a bun. In a nod to moderation, I actually had half of one, on…
Grillin’ & chillin’, that’s the goal for Memorial Day weekend, right? Our lovely sunshine disappeared, but that’s OK. The grill still works in the rain! (Although the griller will be tucking her hair into a hat – no steak is worth frizzy hair, even if it is tenderloin, sniff.) As much as I lurve a…
Screened Porch Blogging, one of my very favorite things to do! Yep, yet another sign of spring when we drag the cushions up from downstairs and set up the ol’ porch. I love it out here, it’s cozier than the deck, what with a roof over my head and a spot for stringing up some…
Do you have big Memorial Day plans? Not me, thank goodness. May has been a crazy-busy (fun!) bacchanal and I’m looking forward to a quiet, healthy reprieve. I took a long bike ride yesterday, and followed by the grilled fish and pile of vegetables I prepared last night, it put me in the right mood…
I’ve been grilling a fair amount of rainbow trout lately – it’s one of my very favorite fish to eat, plus since I’ve learned that the farm-raised version is of high quality and safe to eat, I feel I can eat it without worry or guilt (source: Environmental Defense Fund Seafood Selector, a must-read site…
Well hello sunshine! It is some kind of gorgeous outside this morning, wow – bright green, bright blue, crisp and fresh. We forget that a few times per year, Minnesota is where it’s at. Take that, New York… Right. I’m kidding, and only attempt the flabby jab because that’s where we were Sunday through yesterday….
I think I finally dare to plant flowers and herbs. I’m usually itching to get out there; but this year, with our snowy, freezing, miserable April and May? Meh. Then I walked outside this morning… Oh, it smells like flowers! It smells like (gasp) spring! And just like that, I’m ready. Hmmm, I think I’ll…
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