January 2008 Archives
OMG, how could I forget to mention one of my very favorite ways to warm up? LAUGHING, duh! And for certain, hearty laughs, I highly recommend Planet Dan’s blog, one of the few blogs I (sort of) consistently read. Funny – evil, laugh out loud funny. Dan is The Man, no doubt. Or, have dinner…
Um, at least it’s sunny? Yeah. That’s about all I can say, on the coldest day of the year, which here in Minnesota is a very cold day indeed. I’m trying to keep my spirits up, plying all the old, cozy tricks, and they most certainly help. What’s not to love about baking bread and…
If it appears I’m cooking more than usual, it’s because…I am. Don’t know why exactly… Overly house-bound in truly deep-freeze weather? Trying to cheer up a Blue Johnny? Whatever the reason, I’m going with it while the inspiration moves me. Bonus One, children + husband = very pleased, ha, since I even made dessert last…
Hash, not a dish people make much any longer, I suppose since it requires a few slices of leftover roast and a spot of gravy. Too bad, though, because it’s a real treat and both the roast and the hash are so simple and satisfying to make. I braised a beef pot roast yesterday and…
Sweet, sweet Saturday. As much as I love being with my kids, every other Saturday (due to our second-marriage, share-custody status), John and I have the day to ourselves. We try to take full advantage of our limited – yet usefully predictable – alone time and have ourselves a fine Saturday (lemons to lemonade as…
Party Crasher, that’s me! John’s law firm hosted a meet-n-greet with an accounting firm last night and with permission (I wasn’t a total crasher), I happily horned in on the delicious appetizers (catered by the Modern Cafe), vino, and chat. Organized by John’s partner Jennie Clark, who is on the board of the Minnesota Center…
Meat pies! Rarrr! In whatever form – samosas, pasties, empanadas – the combination of savory meat and vegetables encased in tender pastry is irresistible. To me. And apparently to John and Nathan too. Before I abandoned my family for the Commanderie dinner on Tuesday night, I played the good wife and mother and tried out…
Madame Stephanie Levy – c’est moi, at least at the Commanderie de Bordeaux dinner I attended this evening, as a guest of Stu (The Wine Genius) and Debbie Williams. Held at the Minneapolis Club, featuring the wines of Chateau Smith-Haut-Lafitte and winemaker Daniel Cauthiard, I had a grand old time eating, drinking, and BS-ing with…
Dinner and a movie, pretty hard to beat. Even (or especially?) on a bitterly cold, slippery-snowy evening. John and I hit a late-afternoon showing of The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, the intense true story of French Elle publisher Jean-Dominic Beauby. Beauby, at the age of 42, suffered a sudden, massive “cerebral event” which left…
Oh Good Lord it’s cold out there, too cold for just about anything, really. You know what that means – get busy in the kitchen! Build a roaring fire, sip hot cocoa, take a long fragrant bath, watch movies in bed, read a book in your sweats… Ooh, some of my very favorite things, I’m…