May 2011 Archives
Pickled Carrots (To Eat on Everything)
Food obsessions. I have them. You might know this since I tend to write about them. The latest is all things pickled, particularly non-cucumber things like beets, cauliflower, and my current holy grail: Carrots. What is it about pickled carrots? It started when I wrote about Corner Table’s CSK box, which included a jar of…
Cardamom Cake with Rhubarb Sauce & Whipped Cream (Gluten-Free)
Duck eggs are prized by gluten-free bakers for adding loft and softness. Cardamom Cake with Rhubarb Sauce & Whipped Cream (Gluten-Free) Adapted from a King Arthur flour recipe Serves 8 Note: Although duck eggs are larger than chicken eggs, substitute them equally when baking. 1 1/2 c. King Arthur Gluten-Free Multi-Purpose Flour 1 tsp. xanthan…
Coconut Curry Soup with Shrimp & Vegetables
I get so many nice comments about the Quick Coconut Curry with Halibut & Broccoli recipe that I posted last fall that I thought I’d share a soup version of it that I make when the weather turns warmer. I use shrimp instead of halibut so that I can use the shells to make a…
Chicken Piccata with Radish Ramp & Pea Shoot Salad

We all need to jazz up a chicken breast from time-to-time and this quick recipe, inspired by a Naomi Pomeroy recipe in the Wall Street Journal, does so nicely. I’m a big fan of crispy, buttery chicken skin, so I’ll often ask the butcher to take several breasts off the bone while I stroll around…
White Bean Gratin
If you love cookbooks, and don’t own Sunday Suppers at Lucques by Suzanne Goin, add it to your list. Everything in it is delicious, fresh, approachable. Some of the recipes are longish, but not terribly complicated, and hey, sometimes greatness takes a little effort. I’m down with that. Like this bean gratin. It’s quite simple,…
Fried Tomato BLT
Are you craving spring? I am. In fact, if you follow me on Twitter you’re probably ready to personally arrange for warm weather just to shut me up. I’m trying to be patient, I really am. You know what helps? A ridiculous amount of pork, via the stunning charcuterie that Chef Mike Phillips is creating…
Shooting the Kitchen: Cafe Ena
Photo by Susan Powers Craving spring? Then check out our latest Shooting the Kitchen post, which will deliver a shot of warm color straight into your brain, courtesy of Cafe Ena in Minneapolis. Chef Hector Ruiz shared a recipe for Salmon with Couscous & Jalapeno-Infused Cream that is delicious on so many levels that I…
Ramp Pesto
The calendar says May, but the temperature reads February, with mean little snow flurries icing our not-spring cake. It pretty much sucks. But there are ramps! Lovely, garlicky-grassy ramps, which taste like spring, and that means something. I actually prefer them just gently warmed, so they keep their garlicky bite, which makes them perfect for…