Posts tagged as paleo
“Creamy” Cauliflower Soup (GF/Paleo with DF/Vegan/AIP options)
Hey look, there’s been a bit of a backlash against cauliflower because it’s showed up in so many low-carb, lower-calorie foods like cauliflower rice, cauliflower crust pizza, cauliflower tortillas, mashed cauliflower, even cauliflower crackers. I get it. While some of these substitutions taste great, others are…less great. I myself really like caulirice (I roast it!)…
Baked Fruit Crepe (Paleo, Primal, Gluten-Free)
Funny story, I’m currently in Aspen visiting my sister Etta and my brother-in-law Ian. I made them breakfast yesterday, thinking I was making this crepe. I know my sister loves it, and it’s still berry season, and I want to be a polite guest! I pulled the crepe from the oven, added a pat of…
Caesar Salad Dressing Two Ways (Paleo, AIP, Whole30)
I’m wrapping up a whole summer spent in Montana and reflecting on how incredibly lucky I have been to be here with my family, doing what makes me the happiest: cooking for people that I love. It’s been a dream. (Or as my dad would say, It’s been a slice of heaven.) We entertain a lot…
Condiments are Life!
Did you already grab my 3 FREE Kickass Condiments recipes? If you not, you should. Click here and you can have 3 free recipes in about 1 minute. I love giving those condiments away – and 15 quick meal ideas to MAKE RIGHT THIS VERY DAY with the condiments – because it gives people a peek…
Zucchini Fritters (Gluten-Free/Paleo-Friendly)
This recipe gets a lot of love in August and then not much the rest of the year. Hmmm, I wonder why? (Ha.) If you’ve maxed out on your usual rotation of zucchini recipes, a savory pancake/fritter situation is deliciously worth exploring. The original recipe, at the very end of this post, is for a…
Fish Tacos with Roasted Pineapple (Paleo)
Photograph courtesy of Brenda Score of A Farm Girl’s Dabbles I hope this post finds you healthy and well. How goes the quarantine cooking? We’re several weeks in now, so I suspect that the novelty of staying in every night has worn off. I suspect also – from what I’m reading on Instagram and Facebook –…
Salmon Cakes with Rutabaga Chips (Paleo/AIP/Whole30)
How are you? I don’t normally start a blog post that way, but these are strange times indeed. Here in Minnesota, our governor has just ordered stay-at-home to give our healthcare system a chance to gear up for Covid-19 hospitalizations. As of this writing, I’ve already been distancing myself for two weeks (so far, so healthy)…
Stocking Up On Paleo Essentials (Paleo, AIP, Whole30)
If you’re planning ahead and anticipating the possibility of spending several days at home due to COVID-19, but can’t (or don’t want to) stock up on beans and rice, frozen pizzas, and chips/crackers to see you through, I’ve put together a list of paleo/real food essentials for you to consider. I’m not adding photos (other than…
Chicken Sheet Pan with Vegetables & Balsamic Glaze (Paleo, AIP, Whole30) and Boosting Immunity
I hope this blog post looks incredibly dated in a short period of time. In the face of COVID-19 making itself known in the US and around the world, I wanted to share my tips for staying healthy during cold/flu season. It likely won’t surprise you that I put my focus on nutrient density. But what does that mean?…
Mint Chocolate Chip Nice Cream (Paleo, AIP, Whole30, Vegan)
It’s a balmy 50°F outside right now which is totally ice cream weather in Minnesota. I just returned from a long walk in the sun and there were many, many people walking and running in shorts and tank tops. We are insane, in the best possible way. (I was jacket-less although I did wear sleeves and yoga…