Posts tagged as meatless
Baked Fruit Crepe (Paleo, Primal, Gluten-Free)

Funny story, I’m currently in Aspen visiting my sister Etta and my brother-in-law Ian. I made them breakfast yesterday, thinking I was making this crepe. I know my sister loves it, and it’s still berry season, and I want to be a polite guest! I pulled the crepe from the oven, added a pat of…
Condiments are Life!

Did you already grab my 3 FREE Kickass Condiments recipes? If you not, you should. Click here and you can have 3 free recipes in about 1 minute. I love giving those condiments away – and 15 quick meal ideas to MAKE RIGHT THIS VERY DAY with the condiments – because it gives people a peek…
Easy Gluten-Free Pizza for Indoor or Outdoor Ovens

We are a thin crust pizza family which has made it pretty easy for me to keep everyone happy with gluten-free pizzas. Especially since 1) I spent this fall and winter playing with a fast, fool-proof pizza crust, and 2) we got a small pizza oven in anticipation of a deck expansion and hard-wired propane…
Mint Chocolate Chip Nice Cream (Paleo, AIP, Whole30, Vegan)

It’s a balmy 50°F outside right now which is totally ice cream weather in Minnesota. I just returned from a long walk in the sun and there were many, many people walking and running in shorts and tank tops. We are insane, in the best possible way. (I was jacket-less although I did wear sleeves and yoga…
Spicy Roasted Cauliflower Tacos with Cashew Crema (Paleo, Vegan) from The 30-Minute Paleo Cookbook

Too busy to cook dinner most nights of the week? Not with my new cookbook, which I am SO excited to share with you! Please welcome The 30-Minute Paleo Cookbook to the world of nutrient-dense cookbooks. She’s my third baby (after my son Nathan and my other book baby, Twin Cities Chef’s Table) and she’s due…
Healthy Maple Bourbon Panna Cotta with Strawberry Jam & Black Pepper

Happy Mother’s Day! I’m being totally selfish and sharing with you what *I* would love for Mother’s Day: cool, creamy, sweet panna cotta. It is absolutely one of my Top 5 favorite desserts as evidenced by how many recipes I’ve shared with you here over the years. I appreciate that you can control the sweetness…
Thanksgiving 2016 Menu

I taught my Paleo Thanksgiving class at Kitchen in the Market last Friday and wanted to share the recipes with you all. I LOVE Thanksgiving, every single part of it. Planning, shopping, cooking on my own ahead of time and then with the gang on the big day, setting the table, being with my family,…
Sweet & Sour Rhubarb Compote (Paleo, AIP)

Did you know that rhubarb is an aphrodisiac? Don’t tell the Lutherans (I’m Lutheran by baptism, for the record), but it is, and it likely explains why we all go gaga for the stuff. In fact, I have a theory that anything that captures Pinterest’s collective imagination is an aphrodisiac. Yes, that means we are…
White Bean Salad with Tomato & Avocado aka Power Outage Pantry Salad

Is your power back on? Hooey what a series of storms. It always breaks my heart to see grand old trees downed, especially if their falling damages homes and cars. I hope that you escaped damage and if not, that you’re back on track soon. After losing power, I’m thinking ahead to the next outage….
Quinoa Cakes topped with…a Poached Egg. But of Course.
Here’s a thing: my husband and I are divorcing. It’s exactly as sad and stressful as one might imagine, so I’ve been taking extra steps to take really good care of myself. I already know that eating corn and rice makes be feel pretty lousy – not as lousy as eating gluten – but lethargic…