September 2011 Archives
Chicken Soup with Kale, Garlic & Sweet Potatoes (Paleo, AIP-Friendly)

My mom is recovering from major surgery here at our home. She spent the first couple of weeks in a hospital and rehab facility, where the food was…truly awful. I brought her little farmer’s market treats like sliced tomatoes and strawberries, to remind her that not all food comes from boxes and cans, but man,…
Braised Pork Shoulder with Chiles & Cinnamon

In my excitement to braise something, anything over the past freezing weekend, I got a little carried away and bought an 8-pound boneless pork shoulder… …for four people, one of whom (Nathan) is hardly ever home and one of whom (my mom) has barely an appetite. But guess what? It’s almost gone! I cut the…
Tomato Tart Round III: This Time, Gluten-Free + A Tomato Party!

I should have titled this post, How to Beat a Recipe to Death. Seriously. This is the third time I’ve posted a variation on it but hey, a winner is a winner, and this one is A Winner. It originated with the lovely blog 101 Cookbooks and I’ve just continued to play with it. The…
Dutch Apple Pancake
This pancake is meant to be served with a dusting of confectioners’ sugar, which is lovely, but I’ll be honest…a generous drizzle of Sapsucker Farms maple syrup, with a tidy pile of crispy bacon, is a very, incredibly awesome way to usher in fall. For my gluten-free friends, I did a little experiment using gluten-free,…
How do you like your gazpacho? Smooth or chunky? Spicy or sweet? I’m such a gazpacho lover that I like it any way, honestly, and mix it up every time that I make it, depending on my mood and what I have on hand. This version is a combination of elements from two friends’ recipes:…
Goat Cheese Panna Cotta with Berries & Honey and Sweet Corn Panna Cotta with Bacon & Blue Cheese

I’ll confess, the last week has been incredibly difficult. My mom had very serious surgery just last Monday, and my husband John had knee surgery two days later. Things are looking up for both of them, thank goodness, with Mom still hospitalized but slowly improving, and John back at work already today. The body’s ability…
Tour de Farm/Celebrity Chef Tour Dinner, Blogger Etiquette & Sweet Corn Panna Cotta: Part II

So…on to Part II and the pretty details of the Tour de Farm/Celebrity Chef Tour dinner. Despite the bumps in the evening (see Part I), it really was an amazing night. In fact, the whole weekend was a blast, starting on Friday night, when Joy Summers, Molly McNeil, and I stopped by Birchwood Cafe to…
Tour de Farm/Celebrity Chef Tour Dinner, Blogger Etiquette & Sweet Corn Panna Cotta: Part I

I inhaled the gorgeous plate of food above two weeks ago, which feels like two years ago, given that between now and then my mom had major emergency surgery and time has sped up and stopped both at the same time. It’s almost impossible to imagine that I was ever running around stunning Star Prairie…