Posts tagged as farmers market
Crispy Chicken Salad with Peaches, Corn & Green Beans (Paleo, Primal) and Gascony, France

Oh my stars I am going to miss summer produce. That’s a little trick that I employ, by the way, to keep myself from taking even one bite of this gloriousness for granted – I remind myself that these treasures of perfect corn, peaches, and green beans are temporary delights. It’s not a sad reminder. In fact,…
Coffee-Rubbed Steak (Paleo/Whole30)

How do you throw together last minute meals? (And why are they always so good? I think it’s because of the adventure of winging it – a little risk is super delicious, in life and food.) I kayaked on Lake Harriet a couple of weeks ago with my friend Eric Tollefson and while we knew…
Crispity Chicken Thighs with Spicy Cilantro-Mint Pesto (Paleo/AIP/Whole30)

This recipe is your new go-to chicken – with a bombtastic sauce – but this post is really about the plate. A couple of weeks ago, I visited my aunt Mary and uncle Bruce at their home on Green Lake, in Spicer, Minnesota. My dad and stepmom Susanna were there too, and the five of…
Grilled Peaches with Ricotta, Crispy Prosciutto & Basil (Primal/Paleo, AIP, Whole30 Adaptable)

Oh man, it’s peach season, my favorite! I know I say they’re all my favorite – strawberries, blueberries, cherries – and that’s because they are. I love summer fruits, probably because I don’t eat all that much sugar otherwise, so I am in HEAVEN right now. The idea for this appetizer – or breakfast/brunch, my son…
Oven-Roasted Hash Salad (Paleo, AIP)

We all know that we should eating more fresh and cooked greens and herbs. They’re loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, plant phenols, fiber, and probably more yet-to-be-understood nutrients. Eating a diet rich in greens is associated with lower risk for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, dementia, and basically every debilitating disease of aging. And for…
Crusty Roasted Pork Shoulder (Paleo, AIP, Whole30)

You’d think, after the several pork shoulder recipes I’ve shared with you over the years, that I wouldn’t need to keep playing with new techniques. But I loooooooove me some pork shoulder and I got a hankering one day for a roast that was both falling apart tender AND crusty on the outside. So I…
Braised Beef Tacos with Arugula Chimichurri & Scallion Tortillas (Grain-Free, Gluten-Free, Paleo, AIP)

This post contains affiliate links. Happy Spring! Happy Taco Tuesday! Happy Birthday Mom! I’m covering a lot of bases with these tacos, ha. Luckily, they’re worthy of carrying all of those good wishes. I mean, what’s not to love about chewy, beefy, sassy tacos that just happen to also be gluten-free, grain-free, and autoimmune protocol compliant…
Tender Pork Meatballs in Marcella Hazan’s Tomato Butter Sauce (Paleo)

Hi! How was your summer? Goodness it flew by, like they all do, and yet we are all surprised to see the first yellow leaves scattered on the ground. I love that about Minnesotans – we are bonded by our collective denial and climatic optimism. WINTER MIGHT NOT COME THIS YEAR. Um. I haven’t been posting here as…
Slow-Cooked Halibut with Warm & Cold Salad | Fresh Tart (Paleo, AIP-adaptable)

This dish of divine represents the beauty of unplanned cooking with friends. You know those meals, usually last-minute, thrown-together affairs – the ones where one friend has some vegetables and another a piece of meat and another some fresh herbs and wine. Spontaneity (and cocktails) draw seemingly disparate elements into a lovely and memorable meal, with everyone agreeing: we HAVE…
Avgolemono (Greek Egg Lemon Soup)

You might not think of making a pot of chicken broth on a warm summer day, but I suggest it anyhow. There are just so many fast, flavorful meals that spin out of one simple stockpot, for several days into the week, that it’s the perfect summer Sunday move. Plop a chicken in a pot,…