Posts tagged as grilling
Caesar Salad Dressing Two Ways (Paleo, AIP, Whole30)

I’m wrapping up a whole summer spent in Montana and reflecting on how incredibly lucky I have been to be here with my family, doing what makes me the happiest: cooking for people that I love. It’s been a dream. (Or as my dad would say, It’s been a slice of heaven.) We entertain a lot…
Coffee-Rubbed Steak (Paleo/Whole30)

How do you throw together last minute meals? (And why are they always so good? I think it’s because of the adventure of winging it – a little risk is super delicious, in life and food.) I kayaked on Lake Harriet a couple of weeks ago with my friend Eric Tollefson and while we knew…
Grilled Peaches with Ricotta, Crispy Prosciutto & Basil (Primal/Paleo, AIP, Whole30 Adaptable)

Oh man, it’s peach season, my favorite! I know I say they’re all my favorite – strawberries, blueberries, cherries – and that’s because they are. I love summer fruits, probably because I don’t eat all that much sugar otherwise, so I am in HEAVEN right now. The idea for this appetizer – or breakfast/brunch, my son…
Greek Sausage Skewers with Mint Chimichurri, Herb Yogurt & Spinach | Paleo, Primal, AIP, Whole30

Hellllloooooo official summer! Summer actually began for me when my son Nathan got home from school in May, so I feel like I’ve been in the groove for at least a few weeks. I LOVE when he’s home! He’s super busy with an internship, his girlfriend Sam, and going out with friends, but even just…
Korean Bulgogi (Grilled Steak) | Paleo, Primal

You guys, I’ve already been in Boulder for more than two weeks. WHAT? It took me the first week to feather my nest, find a good daily groove, and get my brain adjusted to the unsettling fact that I’m a long way from home. But a visit from my sister Etta, a last-minute (and utterly stunning,…
Chicken Skewers with Chopped Cucumber, Arugula, & Olives (Paleo, AIP)

Hello from Boulder, Colorado. I’ve just arrived and I’m staying for at least a month. It was a rather last minute decision that had been brewing for awhile, if that makes sense. For the last couple of years, I’d been pondering the fact that because Nathan is in college, and because my work is relatively…
Grilled Watermelon Salad with Cherry Tomatoes & Charred Beets (Paleo, Primal)

I hope you had a lovely July 4th weekend! Isn’t summer just The Best? I did all of my favorite things – farmers market, slept in, walked, hit golf balls, created recipes, wrote, took pictures, sat in the sun, tidied my house, read. The highlight was spending the 4th at Stephanie March’s with Tracy Morgan and Joy…
Vietnamese Pork Skewers (Paleo, AIP adaptable)

Hi friends! I’m assuming that you have your grills fired up (and if not, these are super easy to make indoors) so I wanted to remind you of these beautiful little flavor bombs, especially because fresh herbs and lettuces have popped up at farmers markets – yay! Make ’em spicy or make ’em AIP (autoimmune protocol-friendly);…
Saffron’s Grilled Lamb Chops with Greek Spice & Herbs and a Father’s Day Giveaway

How’s your summer going? Yeah SUMMER! I just love having Nathan home from school, not to mention stealing as many meals and sips and walks outside as I can. I hope you are too – from the looks of my Instagram feed, you most certainly are grilling, biking, gardening, hiking, beaching, picnicking, and having a grand ol’ time….
Chimichurri Chicken & Vegetable Kabobs + Smitten with Squash Giveaway! (AIP, Paleo)

If you’re a squash fan – and particularly if you’re a gardener swimming in squash right exactly now – boy do I have a treat for you. Let me introduce you to Smitten with Squash, your new best friend. This recipe is from the book and I’m so excited to share it with you because…