Posts tagged as ramps
Scallops with Morels, Ramps & Saffron-Coconut Milk Pan Sauce (AIP, Paleo) plus The Slim Palate Paleo Cookbook Giveaway!
Helloooooo again and Happy Spring! I’ve been away for so long, finishing a cookbook I’ve been working on called Twin Cities Chef’s Table, highlighting Twin Cities chefs, eateries, and our overall food scene, to be published in Fall 2014. It’s been an incredible project to photograph and write, but I’m excited to be back to…
Ramp Pesto
The calendar says May, but the temperature reads February, with mean little snow flurries icing our not-spring cake. It pretty much sucks. But there are ramps! Lovely, garlicky-grassy ramps, which taste like spring, and that means something. I actually prefer them just gently warmed, so they keep their garlicky bite, which makes them perfect for…