Screened Porch Blogging, one of my very favorite things to do! Yep, yet another sign of spring when we drag the cushions up from downstairs and set up the ol’ porch. I love it out here, it’s cozier than the deck, what with a roof over my head and a spot for stringing up some lights and lighting a few candles. It’s a different view too, different angle on the back yard, and that makes it feel more, I don’t know – away. I’ll be really happy when it’s warm enough in the mornings to enjoy breakfast out here. Maybe tomorrow! Sunday morning coffee and paper outside, aw man, that’s what summer’s all about, right? Along with al fresco meals, after-dinner walks (just returned, the entire world is perfumed by lilacs right now, insanely seductive), and late afternoon swims.
How ready are we for summer this year? It’s not just me, all of us Midwesterners are in this mood, lalalaaah! It’s the payoff for sensory deprivation, my friends – it’s the reason we live here. Remind me next March. Right.
If you’re looking for the yummiest pancakes in the whole world to eat on your porch/deck/patio tomorrow morning, I suggest Orange Yogurt Pancakes, beyond delicious. Very fluffy and tender – with fresh berries, a few slices of Nueske’s Canadian bacon (available at Byerly’s), and lots of good coffee… Oh man, you’d be hard put to start your day off better. Enjoy!
Moderate it: Nueske’s Canadian bacon is so delicious, you won’t for a minute wish you were eating “regular” bacon. If you’re trying to avoid cured meats, Whole Foods sells several versions of uncured ham and Canadian bacon. I’ve not tried whole-wheat flour in the Orange Yogurt Pancake recipe, but I’d bet it could work nicely. For added fiber/nutrients – and great flavor! – add blueberries and/or chopped nuts to each pancake after ladling the batter onto a hot griddle. Flip as usual, finish cooking, and serve.