Happy Mother’s Day! Sniff. Oh, don’t get me wrong, it’s a lovely Mother’s Day – here I sit in my sunny, comfy office, in my jammies, with a hot cup of coffee, typing away (clearly one of my very favorite things to do), having just read the perfect, lovingly handmade card from my son. Love it all. The sniff is for the verklempt-ness that comes over me as I think about how lucky I am to have so many wonderful women in my life, women who are fun and make me laugh, yes, but who also hold my hand and have gotten me (and John) through all of life’s many ups and downs – marriage(s), divorce, death, pregnancy, birth, miscarriage(s), parenting, step-parenting, moving, illness – you name it, they’ve been there for me (us). Whew. Sniff. So, Happy Mother’s Day ladies – most of you are mothers, some aren’t technically (except to me, ha!), but all of you are well loved and appreciated…
Amy B., Ana, Barb, Barbara K., Baseball Moms, Cami, Carol, Chris, Debbie, Dot, Etta, Grandma Meyer, IPWA Ladies, Jen L., Kathie, Kathleen C., Kim, Marge, Mary F., Mary P., Mary S., Maud, Michelle, Mom, Polly, Rishia, Stacey, Susanna, Susie, Valerie
As for Mother’s Day treats? Coming up in a bit…”surprise” brunch tasties from Lucia’s To Go. OK, not so much of a surprise because I said to John, for Mother’s Day, take the kids and pick up brunch for me at Lucia’s to Go. But hey, I didn’t put in the actual order, so I absolutely don’t know what the tasties will be, therefore the surprise. I’ll check in the with details as soon as I’ve consumed them. Stay tuned…
Uff. Stuffed. Happy Mother’s Day to Me indeed! What a brunch – warm crepes with gooey chocolate and strawberry fillings; soft, warm cinnamon streusel coffee cake (unbelievably, decadently yummy, man I love that stuff); mushroom frittata; a baguette sandwich filled with olive-oil-drizzled arugula and creamy St. Andre (brie) cheese; and crispy, crusty, chewy pizza topped with fresh tomatoes and basil. Hoooooey, that was a big ‘un, I don’t think I’ll be eating much the rest of this day, ha. But I’ll have my sweet flowers and balloon (the cutest!) to help me celebrate the rest of the day. I LOVED it all, thanks John, A, and Nathan!
My life in your novel? THAT should be interesting, or wait, maybe kinda boring (my life, not your novel, ha)! Yeah, man, very formative years in Badgerland. Let's go this fall! Mich and I were semi-planning it, and your attendance, time to put it into ACTION! I'd love to see you - hope you had a great Mother's Day!!! still be named after 20 a sweet gift indeed! Even though we may not talk like we used to..I consider you one of the best!! So happy for you and your amazing life..Someday it will work into my novel..:) ~Cami
I totally noticed that and thought, awwww...she took that to DC with her! :-)
Thanks, man! Sniff (again)!
Nice purple scarf, huh, wonder who gave that to me? Hmmm...
Sniff is right. Right back atcha, my sweet friend.