Whoa, that was a hell of a gust of wind… That’s what both John and I were simultaneously thinking as we shot awake last night, around 3:00 a.m., as lightning flashed almost continuously and sheets of rain slammed the windows. You see, we were both fully aware of – and freaking out about – the umbrella we left open on the deck. Dang. Dang. Dang. We quickly decided we’d close it together and ran out into the kitchen only to find…nothing. No umbrella, no table. Just four lonely chairs sitting eerily in a perfect circle. From the lightning we were able to see the umbrella lying upside-down on the ground underneath the deck. It took a bit more searching to discover the table, also upside-down, dangerously close to the house. It appears the whole thing somersaulted right over the edge of the deck. Man, it could so easily have launched like a missile right through a window. We’re idiots. Lucky idiots. Sheesh.
At least we got some rain? And didn’t lose power? Sheesh.
After we pick up the mess and truly assess the damage (we’re moving a bit slowly today), we’ll have to decide how to spend the afternoon. Out for lunch? (We ate at Lucia’s last night, delicious as usual.) Pool? (It’s hot and muggy and not good for much else.) Movie? (We saw The Bourne Ultimatum yesterday, great fun.) Cook here? (I certainly have a stash of veggies again, plenty to work with.) I think I’m in a bit of a fog after that 3:00 a.m. adrenaline rush (and subsequent hours of trying to fall back asleep). Stay tuned…