
Posted by Stephanie Meyer on Sep 27, 2007 at 9:00am

It’s been a Cooper-ish couple of days, or is about to be, lucky for me! Nothing like a dose of Cooper Cuteness to brighten one’s day. He’s really into cheesy, buttery quesadillas right now, it’s great fun to make one for him and hear his “mmm” when he takes a bite, ha. His reactions are so pure – if he hates it, he spits it out. If he likes it, you get the “mmm.” You always know where you stand with a one-year old, I love it.

Hanging with Cooper has been the extent of my socializing these last few days and that’s just fine with me. Whew. I am officially partied out. What a ride it’s been! Veeeery fun, yet very not moderate, and even I – hard to believe, I know – reach my limit with fine food and good cheer. All I want now is time for long walks, simple food, lots of tea and water, and plenty of good, solid sleep. Nice.

In that vein…soup? Soup’s always appealing at this time of year, especially when I’m wanting to hole up at home a bit. Fish? Fish is my go-to restorative, it makes me feel healthy and back-on-track. Perhaps Manhattan Clam Chowder would fit the bill – satisfying but not too heavy, great with nothing more than crusty bread. Hmmm…stay tuned…

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