Even though in this photo it appears that I just happened to whip up a little roasted chicken over risotto for lunch (ha), it’s in fact (tasty!) leftovers from last night’s…
…lovely Date Night meal at Cave Vin. No frites this time (no!), instead I had a delicious salad, lightly dressed greens (I very much appreciate that they know not to soak their salads in dressing, if only every restaurant would take their cue), plated with toasted hazelnuts and roasted grapes and topped with a bit of melty goat cheese. I’ve always liked – but not loved –goat cheese; but lately, I can’t get enough of the stuff. That crisp-white, chalky, goaty-clean taste, especially warmed, especially against dark greens, is just heavenly to me. Crave-worthy. I crave goat cheese. What next? Good Lord.
Anyhow, for an entree, I sank my claws into chicken again, which sounds dullsville, but I couldn’t help myself – the way they stuff herbs under the skin and roast it to crispy perfection just has me, it’s ridiculously, simply good.
And oh, half-priced bottles of (seriously nice) wines on Mondays and Tuesdays do not suck either…
But of course! I'd expect nothing less, and I always get my way! (And you score pretty well yourself, my dear!) xxoo HRH
totally. I was positively YOKED to that chicken.
But did you sink your claws in? ;-)
...and I made chicken for dinner last night. Dude!