Anchovy Butter to Eat on Everything
I Tweeted my first recipe yesterday, which meant it had to be limited to 140 characters. Here it is:
Anchovy butter: Process 1/2c butter, 2t anchovies, 1/2 shallot, 1/2 clove garlic, zest of lemon. Use to fry eggs, top soup or pasta. #jmu612
That’s it! What I couldn’t say in a Tweet is that anchovy butter makes everything savory taste better. Make up a batch and store in the fridge (or freezer – it freezes nicely). Do all that I mentioned above plus use for grilled sandwiches, toss with boiled potatoes, add to grilled or sauteed fish, stir in to steamed vegetables, spread on toast for a snack, melt on top of a steak or burger.
You get the picture…on and on and on…it adds a heavenly punch of salty-fabulous to whatever it touches.
The #jmu612, by the way, refers to Java Meet-Up 612, a meeting of social media professionals who gather the first Thursday of each month. Dave Ostlund (@DaveOstlund, @TCFoodFinds), co-owner of Direct Line Services, and I talked with the group yesterday about Food and Social Media. We enjoyed a lively conversation about how food blogs, restaurants, chefs, and food marketers use social media. Big thanks to local social media heroes Erica Mayer (@EricaMayer) and Joel Carlson (@JoelECarlson) for inviting us to participate!