Green Beans with Pork & Black Bean Sauce

Posted by Stephanie Meyer on Jul 31, 2010 at 12:45pm

Green beans are the first vegetable that I genuinely liked.  My grandparents grew them in their garden, and my Grandma Meyer would pick them fresh, boil them until they were tender, and serve them with lots of butter and salt.  Alongside walleye fried crispy in…butter.

What was not to like?

I still like them the same way – but these days, with just a pat of butter and a sprinkle of salt.  It’s nice that a little of both goes a long way.

It’s also nice to change things up, like this dish which transforms green beans into a spicy, salty incredi-meal.  A little pork, a little black bean-garlic sauce, a lot of sticky-savory deliciousness.

I realize as I type this…I’ve suggested the Asian equivalent of butter-n-salt.  OK, maybe not all that different.  But still so, so good.

Yeah, finger-swipe-through-the-pan good.

Green Beans with Pork & Black Bean-Garlic Sauce
Serves 4 as a side dish, 2 as a main course

1 lb. green beans, trimmed
1/4 lb. pork sausage or ground pork (I used pork breakfast sausage, specifically the pork breakfast sausage from Blue Gentian Farm)
1 small onion, thinly sliced
1 Tbsp. minced ginger
1/2 tsp. red pepper flakes
2 Tbsp. black bean-garlic sauce
2 tsp. Thai fish sauce
1/4 c. water
toasted sesame oil
optional: chopped toasted almonds

Bring a saucepan of salted water to boil.  When water boils, add green beans.  After 3 minutes (water will not quite return to a boil), drain in a colander.  Set aside.

In a large skillet over medium heat, brown the sausage and onion together.  Stir in the minced ginger, red pepper flakes, black bean-garlic sauce, fish sauce, and water.  Add green beans and toss to coat.  Saute for 5-10 minutes, until water evaporates, the sauce thickens, and the beans become tender.

Transfer beans to a serving plate.  Sprinkle with sesame oil and almonds (if using).  Serve warm (not hot; the flavor will be better).

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Older Comments

  1. By SML on August 1, 2010 at 6:15AM

    That's exactly what my husband said (asked), totally seriously, Where's the poached egg? HA! Definitely.

  2. By FinnLover on August 1, 2010 at 2:26AM

    This looks so good! And I'm sure a poached egg would be nice with this too. ;)