For a lazy Sunday’s browse, here’s what’s cooking/opening around the web…
Dear Dara reports that Turtle Bread’s long awaited venture in Linden Hills, Tosca, is in the process of opening.
Sassy Radish fries lovely, crispy, perfect latkes – Holy Hannukah!
Smitten Kitchen concocts a crave-worthy, hearty cabbage soup that I can’t wait to try.
Use Real Butter rolls out an elegant holiday appetizer – bite-sized beef tenderloin wraps.
The Kitchen Sink, while on a visit to Minnesota no less, simmers Albondigas (meatball soup) that looks insanely delicious.
And if you’re looking for a good, foodie book, let me suggest what I’m going to be (re)reading today – MFK Fisher’s How to Cook a Wolf. If you’ve never read Ms. Fisher, you’re in for such a treat. Her most famous book, The Gastronimical Me, is a must-read for any food lover, it literally changed my life. She wrote How to Cook a Wolf during the deprivations and foot-shortages of World War II. It is a whip-smart, funny, and sophisticated guide to eating well on an extreme budget. Timely given the current state of the economy, no doubt, but mostly just a fantastic book. Dig in, you’ll be glad.
And here at the moderate epicurean? Aw, nothin’ much to write about. I had a fantastic bowl of leftover french onion soup for lunch. For din, well, the plan is nothing more than good ol’ spaghetti with meat sauce, a kid fave pretty perfect for Sunday night movie watching. I keep it on the lighter side by going easy on the pasta, heavy on the broccoli I saute with garlic to accompany.
Time to build a fire (Sasha took the cool pic – no, the flames are not really leaping out of the fireplace and into John’s hair) and find that book…