Learn Eat Drink: Provisions Class at Kitchen in the Market!
Friends with CSAs, gardens, or farmers market addictions…I’d love to see you at the Provisions class I’m teaching at Kitchen in the Market with chef Scott Pampuch. The focus will be on extending our too-short growing season’s bounty with time-honored techniques, helpful restaurant tips, and translations to making great quality food at home.
Our first class is this coming Thursday, May 24! We’re also gathering on June 14 and July 26 – sign up for all three classes for a discount, or take one or two.
We’ll kick off this week by discussing the tips, tricks and tools that you’ll want to consider as you move through spring and into summer. We’ll talk about cooking as a lifestyle and a process, and guide you through translating your personal goals and needs into a plan of attack. With a bit of planning and structure in the spring, we can help you get your kitchen established with the equipment, ingredients, and techniques that will help you get through the seasons.
On the menu:
- storing & keeping foods – tips about treating your foods right so they can last throughout the year
- canning “outside of the cookbook” – basic recipes and inspired flavor combinations
- making flavored salts
- new twists on pesto
- to eat: antipasto platter featuring make, taste + take accompaniments and flatbread
If you have yet to take a class at Kitchen in the Market (KITM), you’ve been missing out on a delicious blast. Owned by chef Molly Herrman (Tastebud Catering) and Tracy Morgan (Segnavia Creative) KITM exists within Midtown Global Market and it is always hopping. With classes ranging from Food Porn photography to Chef’s Night Off participation cooking to our Provisions class, there is learning, eating, and drinking for everyone.
We hope to see you there! Email me if you have questions.