Cooper Meyer Howard
He’s so unbelievably adorable – his hair is actually red! How cute is that??? He’s perfect, since he was delivered cesarean, none of that bruising labor for him. He’s a little squeaker, just shy of 6 lbs., but healthy and doing well. I got to change one of his itty bitty diapers in the nursery, that was fun. And hold him a bit before his mom fed him. Just sweet, sweet, sweet. We’re so glad he’s here! Nathan’s first cousin, he was pretty blown away today, Cooper is the first newborn baby he’s ever seen. He was totally charmed, like we were, by his red hair, tiny hands, little snorts, and baby sneezes.
How cute are Stacey and Bowen, the proud new mommy and daddy? They’re totally smitten with Cooper, it’s so sweet!
Crazy day of no electricity, just came on at about 7 pm tonight. Hate that – ugh! Very uncomfortable and frustrating. No computer, heat, lights, nothin’. With 8+ inches of snow – gag me. Luckily there’s Cooper to cheer us all up! I couldn’t WAIT to take some pictures of him and write about him!
So now John and I are home, trying to decide what on earth we’re having for dinner. Time to innovate! Thank goodness all my hard work yesterday, cooking for Stace and Bowen, stayed very frozen – I wouldn’t let anyone touch that freezer while the electricity was off. Whew. I’ll check back in when I figure something out!
Oh man, I love looking at those pictures of Cooper, he’s so marvelously cute. Fun!
And I’m so grateful for electricity! It’s like being sick, not having electricity, when you’re feeling “normal,” or the power’s back on, you feel like celebrating. It was great to listen to Feminine Hijinx (our new Monday routine) and have a simple pasta dish, angel hair tossed with a quick saute of olive oil, thinly sliced garlic, red pepper flakes, and a bit of pasta cooking liquid. Little grating of Pecorino Romano, fresh pepper, and sprinkle of coarse sea salt. Delicious, comforting, simple, just hit the spot in every way. I’m sure I’ll sleep much better tonight – last night between thinking about new baby Cooper, Stacey, the snow storm, and losing our electricity, I hardly slept at all. I’m wiped (although not like Stace is wiped, of course). Have a good night, everyone.
I LOVE that he's smaller than an Easter ham! Hilarious! He is indeed, a little squeaker, adorable. Hope to see you - and Noah Blue Eyes!!!! - soon too!
OMG so cute and tiny...smaller than a easter Ham!!!! (as my husband would say) Congrats to you all. How precious. hope to see you all soon. lots of love
Love the photos!!!!! What a peanut! Congrats again, to Stace and Bowen, on a beautiful little boy!!!