2006 Archives
Yummy ONE-HALF of a toasted ham & gruyere on baguette last night (ate all the chips though, damn, “forgot” to tell them to hold the chips). Had a good salty-crunchy-melty thing going on, nothing bad about that. At Beaujo’s Wine Bar, with Kim. Opened with a pretty, crisp glass of Cava, delish. Moved on to…
In relatively typical fashion, I did NOT get to Coastal Seafoods for halibut, so I substitued eggs, delicious with the fresh polenta and red pepper oil. Not bad in a pinch, but halibut is better. Either way, the meal is deceptively light, plus colorful, nutritious, easy – and rather impressive. Needed a salad, arugula with…
Back to school today for Nathan, it was a great holiday break. It was just a couple of weeks ago that we kicked off all the fun at Emily’s bowling birthday party – I don’t know who had more fun, the kids or the moms (also below). Thank goodness for great friends! Nathan, Vivian, and…
Kim, me, and Susie – the moms! You can’t tell in the photo, but I’m wearing a cool-as-hell necklace that Susie made for me for my birthday. The girl makes killer jewelry – always good to have a friend who makes jewelry! Now I need a friend who designs clothing and another who creates fragrance…
Well, dinner with the Williams and Rudy Maxa and his lovely girlfriend Ana Scofield was as fabulous as I had hoped – braised lamb shank, roasted beets and potatoes, several different interesting and delicious wines including an oaky (but not too oaky, to me, because I hate over-oaky wines) Sauvignon Blanc and an Australian Chardonnay…
OK, just to set some parameters for myself on what the hell I’m going to blog about, I thought I’d start with the definiton of an epicurean: fond of sensuous pleasures, particularly eating and drinking. Well, that’s ME! I love to cook, and eat what I cook, and what others cook, and drink lots. Love…
Happy 39th Birthday to me! I can hardly imagine that anyone would ever want to read what I think about things – certainly the reason I only write for myself – so publishing this blog is definitely a risk for me (even if no one ever does read it!). Which seems appropriate somehow, my version…