Endless Coolness
Photo of Eggs in Purgatory, from Tiny Kitchen, Tony Cenicola/The New York Times
I could spend a month continuously mining just today’s version of the New York Times website and still not make a dent in it. It’s a faux-productive time-waster’s dream! There’s of course “all the news that’s fit to print,” but when you scratch more than the surface, and start messing around with all the interactive videos and slideshows and blogs…wow, endless coolness. Here are a few highlights, these just pertaining to food, see what you think:
The NYTimes Magazine blog, called The Moment, focuses on women’s and men’s fashion, design, travel, and of course…food. Short, quirky entries. Great fun.
All NYTimes videos can be found here, but it’s the food videos (surprise!) that I’ve been enjoying the most, particularly The Minimalist and Tiny Kitchen (links to featured recipes are under the videos). Like the blog entries above, they’re short (a couple of minutes) yet thoroughly entertaining. The Parmesan Cream Crackers post I did is one example. Here’s another, The Minimalist on Savory Breakfasts, yum. So much more interesting to me than watching a whole cooking show (I know, it’s weird, I’m not a fan of cooking shows…).
And check out the fantastic visual blog Abstract City, not specifically pertaining to food but musings on NYC, which of course include food, by illustrator Christoph Niemann. My sister Etta sent around the link under the title “for anyone who loves New York.”
OK, this one has nothing to do with food at all, but I think photographer Bill Cunningham’s On the Street fashion photos (Sunday Styles section) are really neat. Here you can peruse them all, as audio slideshows.
I’ll stop there, days of content with just the little I’ve pointed out. Have FUN!