Party Time
You’re likely thinking finally, sheesh, have the party already. And indeed we did, and it was great fun. I can’t say enough about how awesome Silver Service catering is, I wish they just lived with us – it is so decadent to have someone think about how the table looks, and add garnishes, and light candles, and do all the things I would do (except waaay better) so that I can completely relax and talk to my guests. Heavenly, truly.
The food – other than what I made – was prepared by Vincent Francoual, owner of the Vincent’s Restaurant. He actually delivered the food himself, which I didn’t expect and left me more than a little starstruck. Nothing like making your own kitchen feel completely weenie than to have one of the best chefs in town standing in it, eek. Thankfully, he’s a very sweet and low-key person and it was way cool that he delivered the goods himself. Made my day.
So the wine flowed, and food was devoured, and friends and coworkers had plenty of time to chat and spread good cheer. My 13-year old son was a huge help, greeting guests, taking coats, clearing plates, and making me so proud I almost burst. All that remains are a few lemon tartlets (from Vincent’s) and a few almond triangles (the Star Trib cookie contest winner that I prepped, very tasty). For the rest of the menu, see below.
All in all, a grand time, thanks again to Silver Service and Vincent’s and John’s partners and spouses for making such a fun afternoon/evening.
I’m done entertaining until Christmas Eve (menu, haven’t considered, but stay tuned). Until then, Happy Holidays!