2008 Archives
Meat pies! Rarrr! In whatever form – samosas, pasties, empanadas – the combination of savory meat and vegetables encased in tender pastry is irresistible. To me. And apparently to John and Nathan too. Before I abandoned my family for the Commanderie dinner on Tuesday night, I played the good wife and mother and tried out…
Madame Stephanie Levy – c’est moi, at least at the Commanderie de Bordeaux dinner I attended this evening, as a guest of Stu (The Wine Genius) and Debbie Williams. Held at the Minneapolis Club, featuring the wines of Chateau Smith-Haut-Lafitte and winemaker Daniel Cauthiard, I had a grand old time eating, drinking, and BS-ing with…
Dinner and a movie, pretty hard to beat. Even (or especially?) on a bitterly cold, slippery-snowy evening. John and I hit a late-afternoon showing of The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, the intense true story of French Elle publisher Jean-Dominic Beauby. Beauby, at the age of 42, suffered a sudden, massive “cerebral event” which left…
Oh Good Lord it’s cold out there, too cold for just about anything, really. You know what that means – get busy in the kitchen! Build a roaring fire, sip hot cocoa, take a long fragrant bath, watch movies in bed, read a book in your sweats… Ooh, some of my very favorite things, I’m…
Savor. I forget to savor. How ridiculous, I know, given my obsession with all things sensual, but it’s a discipline, to savor, and I’ve far from mastered it. In fact, I’ve concluded that forgetting to savor is my biggest obstacle to achieving seamless moderation. I get so, so excited about something I’m cooking, or eating…
Wild Wednesday! Yeehaw! My once-a-week window into what it would be like to have a really big family – everyone in the kitchen, all talking at the same time, the kids (sort of) doing homework, John (sort of) working, Stacey and I (sort of) chatting, everyone playing with Cooper, all while I make a big,…
If you’re looking to brush up on your moderation skills for the New Year (Lord knows I am, ha), I highly recommend a read (or re-read!) of French Women Don’t Get Fat, The Secret of Eating for Pleasure by Mireille Guiliano. A fast, blast of a read, packed with a ridiculous amount of common sense,…
I am on such a soup kick lately, not sure what gives, other than I haven’t been feeling 100%. Not downright sick, but just not great either, and my tummy peeps for soup! soup! Especially after my walk this morning – hello zero degrees – ouch! (Really, it hurt, and took me a long time…
I love the peppery bite of watercress, in salads, on sandwiches, and very much in soup, where it tastes like spring, mmm. Oh, I know that we are very, very, very (sigh) far from spring (in this neck of the woods, anyhow), but what better reason to slurp a breath-of-fresh-air little soup-tasty, spring-inspired but still…
A definition: Stomach: a saclike distensible enlargement of the alimentary canal located between the esophagus and small intestine; it stores food, adds gastric juices, begins the breakdown of proteins and churns food into a liquid mass.Um, ew. Liquid mass? Way to make eating seemtotally disgusting (ha). Perhaps I should read that (Webster’s) definition every time…