2008 Archives
C-H-IL-L-YI ain’t got no coatthat’s why I’m chilly,I’m chilly,BRRRRR! It’s not even cold outside – in fact, we’re in the midst of a January thaw – but I had a hankering for hearty (bean-optional!) chili tonight anyhow, and every time I make it I think of the above silly rhyme (a take-off on the “U-G-L-Y,…
Happy 2nd Birthday Moderate Epicurean Blog! And hey, it’s a very Happy 41st Birthday for me as well – very happy. As I celebrate, I can’t help but be incredibly grateful for a pretty awesome year. Oh, plenty of ups and downs of course, of the usual variety…but for now, the gratitude abounds. In leaps…
La Belle Vie! Joyeux Anniversaire a moi! Well, almost. As usual, the celebration – of, in this case, the end of my 41st year – involves more than one day. Which I love! Yeah, it rather sucks to have a birthday so close to Christmas…the combo Christmas/birthday gift totally bites – and yet, it does…
Okay. It’s over. Not just 2007, but the parties, cocktails, appetizers, rich meals, excess good cheer – over! Enter ye moderation (in fact, a little deprivation wouldn’t hurt at this point) and reside in thee for a spell. Please? At least until my birthday this weekend… Hey, there’s nothing wrong with risotto, cream puffs, chocolate…
Happy 2008! Hey, did you ring in the New Year quietly (as in, asleep!) or with a stylie bang? Somewhere in the middle for us, a relaxing party at Stacey’s beautiful home with family (Dad, Sus, David, Etta, Mom, John, and Nathan) and friends (including Suz, Cory, Vivian, and Sullivan). We gathered post-dinner, so tasties…