2006 Archives
The Baseball Moms, and my friend Karen, have mentioned interest in 1) easy, family-friendly recipes that 2) don’t waste ingredients (either don’t require you to buy some special ingredient that you’ll never use again, or a series of coordinated recipes that use up all of the special ingredient). I’m going to think about that, and…
Here’s the upside of being sick for awhile – you get mighty grateful for your health. Now that I’m feeling better, I am appreciating how good it feels to feel good. I am so very lucky, of course, to be in overall good health, it gives me pause (and because I’m from the Midwest, a…
John’s home from a ski trip and we’re so glad! We really missed him, we love having John home. I made broiled lamb loin chops smeared with mustard, tarragon, and olive oil, potatoes crushed with herbs and Hope Creamery butter (inspired by a potato recipe Marge was telling me about; recipes posted in comments below),…
Woo hoo! We finally pulled off episode three of Feminine Hijinx, thank you, thank you. It felt great (hearing myself saying the word “great” on FH, not-so-great, OMG, soooo Minnesoooota, it cracks me up every time, and I say it a lot) to get out of the house, and over to Suz’s, to see my…
Love Story, pretty much the opposite of Feminine Hijinx, is what I actually did last night. Because I was still sick yesterday, after my hopeful start in the morning. What a seriously crappy week! It was kind of therapeutic, I think, to bawl my eyes out – even though it’s a rather silly story, to…
Check out Suz, the bronze medalist (or should I say metalist?), from yet another pic that I stole off her blog. Since, as often as I write about Suz, I would have mentioned that she were an Olympic athlete, you’ve probably already guessed this isn’t her medal. It actually belongs to her friend Trish, hard-won…
I raided my cousin Kim’s photo website for pictures of my cousin Michael’s wedding this past weekend. So fun! I saw everyone on Friday, but not the day of the wedding (the day I got sick), and I’m not surprised to see that everyone looked gorgeous. I even snagged a pic of my dad dancing…
Have you ever tried these before, Weetabix? I bought them on a whim from the organic cereal section – I like whole grain cereals for breakfast, obnoxiously whole grain. Turns out Weetabix is a popular British cereal, eaten in many different ways – fried (ugh, although, I haven’t tried it), toasted with jam, as a…
A little stir-crazy here, I can feel it coming on. Funny, when you have the right to lie around and be lazy, it’s not that much fun anymore… Hopefully that means I’m feeling better, at least this morning. I’m thinking, yeah! I can do it! I could head to the store, I could cook something…
Check out the bags! Miserable night of fever and coughing did this to me. Nathan looks adorable when he’s sick; Nathan’s mom, not so much, eek. John and Nathan took such good care of me, it was very touching. At first I was freezing, so Nathan had John make me a hot-water bottle like I’d…