Posts tagged as mark bittman
Ginger Fried Rice
OK yes, I realize that I’m posting yet another fried egg dish, but this one is just too good to not share. I had actually forgotten about it, which is rather amazing given how many times I’ve made the dish since Mark Bittman first wrote about it in the New York Times two years ago….
Ginger-Fried Rice
I hated eggs when I was a kid – absolutely, truly loathed them. Boy have things changed. The changeover was so gradual, it was invisible to me. A little bite of quiche (wow!), a taste of deviled eggs (yum!), tiny bits of yolk on an over-medium egg (ooh!), and I was slowly wooed. Learning to…
Unlike Mark Bittman*, I think canned beans are fantastic. Especially at this time of year, when produce is a bit blah, and a pan of rib-stickin’ beans is exactly what I’m hungry for. And talk about a fast, nutritious meal – abracadabra, lunch is ready in 10 minutes, and yay! It’s not yet another sandwich….