Posts tagged as wild wednesday
Asian Chicken Soup Bowl
What? I didn’t know what to call this…sort of had the concept of hot pot in my mind, but since each person builds their own version, it’s more a bowl thing than a pot thing. Anyhow, whatever it is, it’s delicious, and fun for a crowd. As I’ve mentioned too many times before, I make…
(Almost) Chicken Parmigiana
And an almost-post about it. I bit off a bit more than I could chew this afternoon and attempted a multi-step dinner when I knew that I had to be out out the door by 4:45 pm (basketball practice, church run). I usually keep Wednesday night dinners extremely simple (due to basketball practice, church run), but…
Routine, Routine, wherefore art thou Routine? Man, if you’re stuck in a rut and need to shake things up a bit, may I suggest a household bout with the flu, close on the heels of acquiring a new puppy? Actually, you probably already know these tricks – at the least the flu part – given…