Posts tagged as vegetarian
Garlicky Cherry Tomato and Bread Gratin
Warm bread and ripe tomatoes, what a pairing. I could stop there – with a shake or two of salt and pepper – and be very happy. But add garlic, a drizzle of olive oil, a little cheese, fresh herbs, and a blast of heat and you have garlicky cherry tomato and bread gratin –…
Sunday Sandwich
Actually, I can’t believe I haven’t posted this before, one of my very favorite sandwiches. There’s nothing to it, that’s probably why, and probably because you make some form of this for yourself anyhow. But in case not, and in case you love Greek/Middle Eastern flavors, here’s a quick, filling, bursting-with-flavor, open-faced sandwich, somewhere between…
Chocolate Pudding
I don’t bake or make desserts on a regular basis, but I do like to make treats for dinner parties and family birthdays. I’m always trying to lighten them a bit, trimming sugar and fat where I think it won’t compromise a recipe. Or leaving the frosting off a cake and serving it with berries…
I love tofu. Love the creamy texture and the slightly sweet, mild taste. And of course love how beautifully it soaks up whatever lovely flavors you decide to surround it with. I particularly like spicy firm tofu – it’s all about the contrast of heat with the chewy-silkiness of sauteed tofu with the crunch of…
It’s Not So Hard to be Humble
Toasted breadcrumbs, duh! (Slaps head…) Why do I always forget about them? So easy, so incredibly delicious, and quite light to boot, since one piece of bread and a couple of teaspoons of olive oil make enough garnish for three servings of eggs or vegetables or pasta or fish or potatoes. In fact, there are…
Good Morning. Or Afternoon. Or Evening.
Here’s a quick, perhaps lighter version of an all-time favorite, described (and photographed) deliciously in this New York Times article – polenta with eggs and greens. The article outlines a naughty version with lots of butter and cheese (in my world known as polentaaaah), which would of course completely rock. But my version is actually…
Unlike Mark Bittman*, I think canned beans are fantastic. Especially at this time of year, when produce is a bit blah, and a pan of rib-stickin’ beans is exactly what I’m hungry for. And talk about a fast, nutritious meal – abracadabra, lunch is ready in 10 minutes, and yay! It’s not yet another sandwich….