2009 Archives
Just back from a last-minute trip to NYC with Nathan. He was going to game six of the world series (Yankees vs. Phillies) with his father, but due to illness I ended up going with him instead and thanks to my in-laws being totally cool with us crashing in on them, we had a lovely…
Routine, Routine, wherefore art thou Routine? Man, if you’re stuck in a rut and need to shake things up a bit, may I suggest a household bout with the flu, close on the heels of acquiring a new puppy? Actually, you probably already know these tricks – at the least the flu part – given…
Happy Birthday Maven
I posted a couple of months ago about chicken marbella, the classic Silver Palate cookbook recipe that my stepmom Susanna pulled out while we were visiting in Montana. Man, I had completely forgotten about chicken marbella – chicken (thighs) marinated in and roasted with garlic, oil, vinegar, prunes, olives, and capers. It takes oh, about…
At Least A Little Bit of Green
It’s officially cold, wet, and dark, pretty much all of the time. My summer annuals are ugly withered sticks, mocking me for my fall clean-up procrastination. The trees are turning – brown, not fall colors – the leaves falling in soggy, mushy clumps. The flu is even working it’s way through our home. All a…
Boeuf Bourguignon (Beef Burgundy)
Ah, turns out that winter has arrived in Minnesota more than a month early. Not good news for those of us who dislike living in cold, colorless darkness for half the year, sigh. But we make the best of it, hearty souls and all that, blah, blah, blah. Please bear with me while I use…
Late Summer Soup
Hey all, I’m still kicking around. I spent last weekend in Madison, having a grand old time with my college girlfriends Cami and Michelle. We did the usual – stayed out too late Friday night, went to a Badger football game on Saturday, walked all over gorgeous downtown Madison and the UW-Madison campus, consumed the…
Out and About
Disjointed food preparation this last week, although not completely unsuccessful. I don’t think I planned one meal ahead, which is not my usual, and actually makes me feel completely whacked out. Even if I take two minutes with my calendar before I head to bed, it makes me feel like I know where the next…
Marine on St. Croix
I’ve been cooking all weekend, preparing to bring dinner out to our friends Shane & Kathleen, having myself a grand ol’ time. Shane & Kat live in Marine on St. Croix, in stunning Jackson Meadow, which Shane co-designed. We’re going to take Puppy Louis on his first day trip, float the lovely St. Croix river,…
Last Gasp
Image: http://www.bctree.com/images/photos/summer-peaches.jpg It’s cloyingly, annoyingly humid here in Minnesota this week. It’s like the summer we didn’t have finally settled in, now that it’s September. Hmmm. But despite a constitution that despises humidity, it’s all OK – it gives me a chance to enjoy the last-gasp treats of summer, to really dig in to tomatoes…
Pig Roast, Summer’s A-Wastin’ Party
So, as I mentioned below, BIG food weekend. John and I kicked it off all by our lonesome with another killicious din in the lounge at La Belle Vie. If you go, order a cocktail (with alcohol or no) – they’re all gorgeous and tasty. And then, feeling jazzy and chic, with ice cubes clinking…