2012 Archives
Cornmeal Pancakes: Sweet or Savory
I love recipes like this, pared down to their most basic elements, pure of flavor and intent. You can find a million recipes for cornmeal pancakes, made soft with wheat flour, fluffy with baking soda, sweet with sugar. And while they’re all utterly delicious, it’s hard to beat the pure corn flavor of pancakes made…
Fresh Mozzarella & Basil Frittata
Fresh mozzarella with tomatoes is everywhere, even in the dead of a Minnesota winter, when it shouldn’t be. We’ve all seen slabs of rubbery cheese layered with slabs of grainy-pale tomato objects and wondered what on earth happened to this pretty salad. Certainly in the summer, when tomatoes are ripe, the two can be lovely…
Butchery, Charcuterie, Artistry: Outstanding in the Field 2012 Prep, Part II
After touring Little Foot Farm on Monday, site of the upcoming August 9, 2012, Outstanding in the Field dinner, host chefs Mike Phillips and Scott Pampuch moved on to butchery and making charcuterie from two of Little Foot’s Gloucestershire Old Spot hogs. With the help of chefs Steve Brennan and Ben Weaver, Mike Phillips demonstrated…
Rhubarb Mostarda, Little Foot Farm: Outstanding in the Field 2012 Prep, Part I
Let’s call it summer and make plans to eat outside, preferably as often as possible. Dinner al fresco pretty much anywhere feels special, but dinner on a farm is particularly divine for us city dwellers, away from cubicles and concrete, with time to learn about, discuss, and savor food prepared at its source. In fact,…
Outstanding in the Field…2011
Tickets for Outstanding in the Field 2012 – August 9, at Little Foot Farm in Afton, Minnesota – are on sale. I bought a ticket and then thought, Hey! I should post the pictures I took at the 2011 event, at Riverbend Farm in Delano…last July… Yeah. In fact I have several pretty posts in…
Green Goddess Potato Salad
Here’s a potato salad to make all season long, with whatever fresh herbs you have on hand. The creamy, tangy dressing requires nothing more than a quick whir in the blender and ta da! – a bowlful of bright green deliciousness that had me eating it straight from the bowl, goddess-style. Here’s also a potato…
Basil Blossom Sangria (Make-and-Sip!)
I had The Best meeting last week, outside in the warm sun, sipping a gorgeous sangria made by my friend Tracy Morgan of Kitchen in the Market. We were chatting all sorts of very serious things – logos, web design, cooking classes, and shoes – with a rather long discussion regarding the merits of a…
Cauliflower Gratin
Perhaps it’s cliche that I read MFK Fisher’s The Gastronomical Me and wanted to immerse myself in the world of food, but that’s OK. Who wouldn’t want to do exactly that after reading that sexy, scrumptious book? My goodness that woman could write, my mouth waters (and my heart swoons) just thinking about it. There’s…
TECHmunch Minneapolis | June 2, 2012
BakeSpace.com’s TECHmunch Food Blogger Conference Minneapolis | June 2, 2012 TECHmunch is making it’s debut in Minneapolis to serve up tasty strategies for food blogger success! The day-long event is an intimate workshop and interactive conversation that will inspire even the most seasoned food blogger. The goal is to provide the ingredients you need to…
Crispy Soft-Shell Crabs with Spicy Bangalore-Style Dipping Sauce
Tis the season for the glory of soft-shell crabs, fried crispy and devoured while tongue-burning hot. They’re in restaurants everywhere right now but they’re a breeze to make at home as well, so if the craving strikes…get frying! The Bangalore-style sauce is laced with chiles and fresh herbs, a perfect foil for rich, crispy crab….