Posts tagged as pork
Greek Sausage Skewers with Mint Chimichurri, Herb Yogurt & Spinach | Paleo, Primal, AIP, Whole30
Hellllloooooo official summer! Summer actually began for me when my son Nathan got home from school in May, so I feel like I’ve been in the groove for at least a few weeks. I LOVE when he’s home! He’s super busy with an internship, his girlfriend Sam, and going out with friends, but even just…
Oven-Roasted Hash Salad (Paleo, AIP)
We all know that we should eating more fresh and cooked greens and herbs. They’re loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, plant phenols, fiber, and probably more yet-to-be-understood nutrients. Eating a diet rich in greens is associated with lower risk for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, dementia, and basically every debilitating disease of aging. And for…
Kimchi Fried Rice
I first posted this dish before I embarked on the adventure of the autoimmune protocol (AIP), an elimination diet for healing and uncovering food sensitivities that eliminates most of the elements of this dish: eggs, nightshades (including chiles), seeds (sesame), soy (tamari), and grains (rice). I’m happy to report that I can occasionally enjoy all…
Crusty Roasted Pork Shoulder (Paleo, AIP, Whole30)
You’d think, after the several pork shoulder recipes I’ve shared with you over the years, that I wouldn’t need to keep playing with new techniques. But I loooooooove me some pork shoulder and I got a hankering one day for a roast that was both falling apart tender AND crusty on the outside. So I…
Vietnamese Pork Skewers (Paleo, AIP adaptable)
Hi friends! I’m assuming that you have your grills fired up (and if not, these are super easy to make indoors) so I wanted to remind you of these beautiful little flavor bombs, especially because fresh herbs and lettuces have popped up at farmers markets – yay! Make ’em spicy or make ’em AIP (autoimmune protocol-friendly);…
Shrimp Wrapped in Pancetta with Sage
I taught Paleo Sunday Suppers last night at Kitchen in the Market – always a delicious blast – and while three of the recipes we made are already here on Fresh Tart… Beef, Bacon & Kale Meatballs Chef Jack’s Jalapeno Poppers Andrew Zimmern’s One-Pot Sticky Wings …I realized that the Shrimp Wrapped in Pancetta with…
Tender Pork Meatballs in Marcella Hazan’s Tomato Butter Sauce (Paleo)
Hi! How was your summer? Goodness it flew by, like they all do, and yet we are all surprised to see the first yellow leaves scattered on the ground. I love that about Minnesotans – we are bonded by our collective denial and climatic optimism. WINTER MIGHT NOT COME THIS YEAR. Um. I haven’t been posting here as…
Coconut Pork Lettuce Wraps (Paleo, AIP)
Let’s talk babies! Even though my son is 19 years old now, and 6’5″ tall, he’s still a baby in my mind. Blame Mother’s Day and the pregnancy of my friend Joy Summers, who recently gave birth to her perfect rosebud of a daughter, Baby CC. You guys, I haven’t held a newborn baby in…
Pressure Cooker (or Braised) Pork Carnitas and Roasted Cauliflower Rice (Paleo, AIP)
Happy Monday! As I chat with people about the obstacles of adopting a real food lifestyle, I’ve come to realize that one of the biggest is the fear of standing out and/or annoying people. Which is totally legitimate, I’ve had those same concerns. It’s comforting and useful to be a peacekeeper. But conformity has its…
Brasa’s Pork Shoulder Roasted with Citrus Mojo and Twin Cities Chef’s Table Giveaway
What better way to give you a peek into the lusciousness inside Twin Cities Chef’s Table than to share a recipe for Brasa’s beloved roasted pork shoulder? I never, ever eat there without ordering it – in fact, I had it just yesterday for lunch – because it tastes fantastic with all of the other…