Posts tagged as whole30
Ginger Scallion Sauce (Paleo, AIP, Vegan)

If variety is the spice of life, then condiments are the key to simple variety. I call my friend Erica Strait of Foxy Falafel the Queen of Condiments for all of the creative zing she brings to her fresh and vibrant food, including the autoimmune protocol (AIP) offerings she’s including each week on…
Healing Green Broth (Paleo, AIP, Bone Broth, Whole30, Low Carb)

UPDATE: Read on for the original recipe, but if you’re interested in the Healing Green Broth 30-Day Challenge that blossomed out of this original post, JOIN HERE. Treat yourself to a mug of this zingy and nutrient-dense elixir once/day for a month and enjoy smoother skin, fewer cravings, and improved energy. It’s awfully fun what one delicious and…
Squash, Beet & Apple Salad

Have I ever shared with you my purpose? That’s a rhetorical question because I know that I haven’t. For someone who puts a LOT of my life out into the ether – at least my food life – I’ve held much closer my dreams and plans for the future. It’s icky scary to put out…
Brasa’s Pork Shoulder Roasted with Citrus Mojo and Twin Cities Chef’s Table Giveaway

What better way to give you a peek into the lusciousness inside Twin Cities Chef’s Table than to share a recipe for Brasa’s beloved roasted pork shoulder? I never, ever eat there without ordering it – in fact, I had it just yesterday for lunch – because it tastes fantastic with all of the other…
Pan-Roasted Chicken with Figs & Mushrooms (Paleo, AIP)

The chicken is secondary in this recipe as far as I’m concerned – this dish is about the fresh figs. When perfectly ripe, figs are of course delectable eaten out of hand. But by applying just a bit of heat – either by running them under the broiler or searing them briefly in a bit…
Pot Roast with Kale & Horseradish

I’m back with another braised beef dish! I’ll pretend like I meant to post recipes for beef short ribs and beef pot roast within a couple of weeks of each other, a braised beef series of sorts…except that would be untrue. I’m really just busy, and kind of chilly with the change in temps, and…
Halibut Coconut Milk Stew with Roasted Squash (Paleo, AIP)

While I might bemoan the slow fading away of summer – and oh, I do bemoan it, loudly – there’s no denying the deliciousness of winter squash, in full display at every market and grocery store right about now. The acorn varieties are my personal favorite, particularly the jester (stripe-y like a delicata but shaped…
Braised Beef Short Ribs: Braise Once, Eat Twice or More

Aaaand just like that, it’s braising season. Good, given I’ve been braising all summer long anyhow. I’m a big fan of batch cooking – cooking enough food to last a few meals – and there’s no better way to batch cook than to braise, no matter the season. Whether you cook low-and-slow in your oven…
Soupe au Pistou (Paleo, AIP, Vegan)

A bounty of garden-fresh vegetables and loads of fresh basil means it’s time for soup au pistou, one of my favorite summer treats. The first time I made it, I was a bit confused by the simplicity of the ingredients: vegetables cooked in water, that’s it? I underestimated the transformative power of pistou, the French…
Pan-Seared Steak with Crispy Hash (Paleo, AIP)

If you cut me, I’m pretty sure I’d bleed hash. I am hash. Not a day goes by that I don’t saute a crispy pan of something wonderful, whatever is in season and in my fridge, fresh or leftover (preferably both). Hash can be the main event, with meat combined with vegetables, or it can…