Posts tagged as whole30
Oven-Roasted Hash Salad (Paleo, AIP)

We all know that we should eating more fresh and cooked greens and herbs. They’re loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, plant phenols, fiber, and probably more yet-to-be-understood nutrients. Eating a diet rich in greens is associated with lower risk for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, dementia, and basically every debilitating disease of aging. And for…
Crusty Roasted Pork Shoulder (Paleo, AIP, Whole30)

You’d think, after the several pork shoulder recipes I’ve shared with you over the years, that I wouldn’t need to keep playing with new techniques. But I loooooooove me some pork shoulder and I got a hankering one day for a roast that was both falling apart tender AND crusty on the outside. So I…
Thanksgiving 2016 Menu

I taught my Paleo Thanksgiving class at Kitchen in the Market last Friday and wanted to share the recipes with you all. I LOVE Thanksgiving, every single part of it. Planning, shopping, cooking on my own ahead of time and then with the gang on the big day, setting the table, being with my family,…
Korean Bulgogi (Grilled Steak) | Paleo, Primal

You guys, I’ve already been in Boulder for more than two weeks. WHAT? It took me the first week to feather my nest, find a good daily groove, and get my brain adjusted to the unsettling fact that I’m a long way from home. But a visit from my sister Etta, a last-minute (and utterly stunning,…
Chicken Skewers with Chopped Cucumber, Arugula, & Olives (Paleo, AIP)

Hello from Boulder, Colorado. I’ve just arrived and I’m staying for at least a month. It was a rather last minute decision that had been brewing for awhile, if that makes sense. For the last couple of years, I’d been pondering the fact that because Nathan is in college, and because my work is relatively…
Cauliflower-Leek Soup with Crispy Shrimp (AIP, Paleo)

Around five years ago, I somehow fell into the company of a group of incredible women who were about to usher me through a massive life change. I didn’t know it, and they didn’t know it, but in retrospect I can see that the way we became fast friends was a rare and special thing,…
Chicken Hash Brown Patties with Pesto (Paleo, AIP) and a Giveaway

Spring has sprung and I couldn’t be happier! Despite daylight savings, more sunshine, color, fragrance, and warmer temps mean I hop out of bed earlier and have more energy to do the things I love most – read and write and talk about creating the energy to live a big and vibrant life, starting with delicious, deeply…
Shrimp Wrapped in Pancetta with Sage

I taught Paleo Sunday Suppers last night at Kitchen in the Market – always a delicious blast – and while three of the recipes we made are already here on Fresh Tart… Beef, Bacon & Kale Meatballs Chef Jack’s Jalapeno Poppers Andrew Zimmern’s One-Pot Sticky Wings …I realized that the Shrimp Wrapped in Pancetta with…
Saffron’s Grilled Lamb Chops with Greek Spice & Herbs and a Father’s Day Giveaway

How’s your summer going? Yeah SUMMER! I just love having Nathan home from school, not to mention stealing as many meals and sips and walks outside as I can. I hope you are too – from the looks of my Instagram feed, you most certainly are grilling, biking, gardening, hiking, beaching, picnicking, and having a grand ol’ time….
Coconut Pork Lettuce Wraps (Paleo, AIP)

Let’s talk babies! Even though my son is 19 years old now, and 6’5″ tall, he’s still a baby in my mind. Blame Mother’s Day and the pregnancy of my friend Joy Summers, who recently gave birth to her perfect rosebud of a daughter, Baby CC. You guys, I haven’t held a newborn baby in…