Posts tagged as whole30
Collard Greens (Paleo, AIP-Friendly)

I’ve been meaning to post this recipe since the holidays, when I brought this dish to my aunt Mary & uncle Bruce’s house for Christmas Day. Time flies… Actually, time doesn’t fly in Minnesota between December and March, so I’m not sure what my excuse is. But no matter, here it is. Collard greens, for…
Chimichurri Sauce to Eat on Everything
Recipe for Chimichurri at Dara & Co./Minnesota Monthly Magazine.
Spicy Pork Soup with Kale

I posted this recipe a few weeks ago at Dara & Co./Minnesota Monthly Magazine. It is all soup, all the time in this house right now! I made both beef and chicken versions over the weekend, might as well add pork too and fill up my freezer. It is so nice to find a container…
Poached Eggs Over Celery Root Latkes

Back at you with more eggs… John and I love a good brunch, especially with a glass of champagne. Perhaps it should be, but the Saturday after a holiday is no exception. Remember Poached Eggs over Potato-Green Pepper Pancakes from this summer? Well, this recipe is a lower carbohydrate – but every bit as delicious…
Fish Soup with Tomatoes
Where do you buy fish? A tricky thing, in Minnesota, at least to find consistently fresh choices – I’ve bought nice fillets and some real stinkers from every major outlet in the Twin Cities. If you’re willing to shop online, I can say that I’ve been extremely pleased with the sustainably caught king salmon and…
Fresh Tomato Sauce to Eat on Everything
I posted this recipe a few weeks ago at Dara & Co./Minnesota Monthly. It’s no longer hot & humid in Minnesota – in fact, we turned on the heat this morning, brrr! – but there are still piles of fat, ripe tomatoes around, just perfect for making this addictive sauce. Thanks to my seasonal pessimism,…
Roasted Cauliflower with Pancetta & Garlic (Paleo, AIP)

It is so dark today (in Minnesota), I’m lucky I was able to take a recognizable photo. Flash flood warnings abound, as apparently we’re about to be deluged with days of cold, fall rain. Good times. To cheer myself up, I just add pork, to just about anything, and really, I feel better. I made…
Pork Tenderloin with Fresh Apple Salsa
Apple season has arrived! And while I consider pork in season all year long, it’s hard to find a more classic September pairing than pork roast with apples. This pretty version, with a raw apple salsa spooned over grilled pork tenderloin, bridges summer-into-fall nicely. See if you can keep yourself from eating the salsa straight…
Ratatouille with a Poached Egg
With eggplants of every size and shape at the markets, as well as more than a few chilly evenings under our belts, I’ve been dreaming of a hearty, chunky ratatouille. But like most adults and children alike, I’ve also wanted to try the Ratatouille movie version of ratatouille, with paper thin slices of eggplant, peppers,…
Eggplant Caviar
My family is more than a little obsessed with the eggplant spread – or melitzanosalata – at It’s Greek to Me. The creamy eggplant is perfectly balanced with lemon, garlic, fresh herbs, and salt. Nathan and I could sit down with just that, and a mountain of pillowy, hot-off-the-griddle pita bread, and stuff ourselves like…